Random questions

There are so many smart people, and guess what? You are one of them. Thanks for taking my quiz hope you enjoy. With love from Mindy the panda. ❌⭕️❌⭕️

Hay tanta gente inteligente , y adivina qué? Tú eres uno de ellos. Gracias por tomar mi prueba Esperamos que os gusten . Con amor de Mindy el panda . ❌⭕️❌⭕️

Created by: Cave Gom

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okie, ready for my random quiz?
  2. Okie, Pretend you have a billion dollars and you want to buy something. At this store you see a cruise ship (I don't know how it fit in there :3), A mansion, and tickets for a big trip. Which do you pick? (Only one!)
  3. Okie, here's a random thing: gffhjgjbjh
  4. Okie, pretend you are firestar from warrior cat. Brambleclaw says you should cross the river to get away from Shadowclan, Squrrielflight thinks you should fight them. Which one?
  5. Are you mad at Leafpool for what she did? (Not gonna spoil it)
  6. Okie, truth or dare?
  7. Truth: Do you have a crush on someone? Dare: I dare you to sing let it go (if you don't know what that is look it up)
  8. Only few more questions! Are you sad?
  9. Okie, pretend you are the president of the US. Which law below will you make?
  10. Okie, let fate decide

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