Random Harry Potter Questions

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If you are looking for just Harry Potter quizzes here is one you could try. That is what i usually do if i am bored trying different quizzes, tests. :)

In here you have 10 different random questions related with Harry Potter. I asked questions that came ramdomly in my mind. Hope you like it and rate it!

Created by: Severus Snape7
  1. How long is Harry’s wand in the books?
  2. Who’s the astronomy teacher at Hogwarts?
  3. Is Dudley older than Harry?
  4. What is Ronalds patronus?
  5. What is Lavender Browns house?
  6. Who did ginny go to the yule ball with?
  7. What is the name of the second book/film of Harry Potter?
  8. What is Albus Dumbledore's brother's name?
  9. What is Hermione Grangers favorite subject?
  10. What does Ron see in the Mirror of Erised?

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