Random Dork I.Q. Test

i think this quiz is the coolest thing ever. i can't get enough of this. i love the dork. make me a dork. i am just trying to fill up this space. i hope you like what i made. you should be happy with this dork quiz it is the best i ever made. i like to ramble with dorks don't get me wrong i love these things.

i'm going to say the same thing. this is a quiz for even the dorky people. i eat sheep and they eat me too! please love this. i made this with my computer. everyone has to be a dork with words on my computer.

Created by: benjamin of this site
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is the "nickname" of the first boxer in nintendo's mike tyson's punch-out...remember nick name only!
  2. what movie is this quote from? "Weeee cannn't stoooooop, ittt's tooo dangeroussss! We gottaaa slowww dowwnnn firsttttt!"
  3. what does Inyuasha say before he unleashes his most powerful attack in the anime cartoon?
  4. what candybar do the bullies make Horrace eat in the movie Monster Squad?
  5. what band has an album called 2112?
  6. What does a Magicarp evolve into in Pokemon?
  7. how much do you have if you take back 2 12packs and 7 40oz. of beer bottles...answer quickly!
  8. covert .005 inches into meteric the add 2
  9. Which one of these is NOT a Dinobot
  10. Who do you think whould win in a fight Skeletor or Mum-rah?

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