R ur friends ur REAL friends?

Ever wonder if your friends are your real friends? Well I made a fun (Totally fun) test! In this test you will need to think about your relationship with your friends!

This is a 9 question quiz! Filled with questions that will make you think! So get ready to answer some maybe difficult questions! Remember that this is only for fun 50 50! Have fun!!

Created by: Samantha
  1. Question one was there a time in your life when your friends we're not there to back you up?
  2. Have your friends ever bully you? Example: "Your ugly" "I have better friends than you! "
  3. Have your friends ever ditched you or leave you out of group stuff?
  4. Have you ever been that friend?
  5. I gonna give you a chance to be honest about the last question.
  6. I know my grammar is horrible. I did not even try on this quiz for the grammar part.
  7. How would you describe ur friends? Good qualitys
  8. Your friends bad qualitys
  9. Final question about your friends!! Do you love them (As friends)
  10. Okay now it's the last question. Did u like this quiz?

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