R U strait, bi, or gay? FOR GIRLS AGE 9-14 ONLY!

Hi my fellow tween girls! This is Simarah, 12 year old bisexual wannabe actress! I surfed through many of the are you gay quizzes on here, and found none for young girls just beginning to understand they're sexualality. "Well," I thought, "That's about to change!"

I realised I was bisexual when I was on holiday and saw this really cute girl of 11 with the most styling outfit ever. At first I thought I was jealous of her. Then I realised I romantically liked her! Whether you think you might be bi or gay, or you're a strait chick just doing this for fun, I hope you enjoy this quiz. Love, Simarah ☺

Created by: Simarah
  1. You see this really cute girl. What do you do?
  2. You go to a friend's birthday party. The cute girl is there and flirting with the hottest guy in school. What do you do?
  3. When you hug your female friends, to feel:
  4. When your family talks about LGBTQ+ things, you:
  5. You nearly get hit by a bike. You are about to shout at the girl riding it, when you realise it's cute girl. What do you do?
  6. Have you ever had a crush on a girl?
  7. Are any of your family part of the LGBT+?
  8. What is you're classic hairstyle?
  9. What was you're favourite T V show as a little kid?
  10. What is your favourite T V show now?
  11. What are your friends?
  12. We have reached the end! Are you ready for your results?

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