R u a TRUE Pentaholic?

There r many ppl that r Pnetaholics out there. So this is some some questions about Pentatonix (PTX) that will see if u r a worthy Pentaholic. But this isn't me judging its just a quiz :)

SO! R U A REAL PENTAHOLIC?! Find out in my "R u a REAL Pentaholic" Quiz! Take this quiz to see how much of a Pentaholic u r! (and FYI there r 4 males and 1 female and they're a Capella if u didn't know)

Created by: Hailey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is Mitch's FULL name?
  2. Who came up with the name for Pentatonix?
  3. Witch OTP (One True Paring) is well known through the Pentaholic fandom?
  4. Who Does SUP3RFRUIT?
  5. Do you even know who PTX is?
  6. Who is the Tenor in PTX?
  7. Who is the Baritone in PTX?
  8. Who is the Beatboxer in PTX?
  9. Who is the Soprano in PTX?
  10. Who is the Bass in PTX?
  11. Did u even understand the last 5 questions?
  12. OK last Question.....
  13. Do u LUV PTX or no? If u LUV dem then r u subscribed?

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