R u a shivi carly negin lina or claire?

god i made this for my best friends so u probably dont know who they are. if ya do great. take da quiz. if you don't then u are a noob. Oh yeah and one more thing, um piyush isnt really my friend though. I added him in the quiz just for fun. Hes a noob. Lol. noob

super man ceiling fan random scan hyper van peas in a can insurance plan castle of sand the day I ran pokemon is banned She likes Dan. Oranges. pickles. lamas. tootsie rolls. heidi got new high-tops! lol have u seen that comercial

Created by: shivi d

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do people describe you as?
  2. Pick one:
  3. Which song do you like the most, out of the following?
  4. Favorite color?
  5. You're a kinda person who
  6. Who do you luv the most (celebrities)?
  7. uno dos tres quatro
  8. Are you above the influence?
  9. Favorite pet?
  10. What would be something you might respond to: Hey wasup! from ur best friend.
  11. Who are you most like:

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