There are many questions about how to know you are a vampire but this is really a true quiz!!!!everything in this quiz is what a true vampire would be like!!!

take immortality and enter the night as your begin your journey through this cruel world as being one of the most powerful things undead!!we welcome you as one of satan's children.

Created by: Clhoe12
  1. Do ur eyes hurt like crap in the sun?
  2. do you feel like crap in the day?or when u wake up?
  3. Even when you think of blood does ur mouth water?
  4. Are ur to canine teeth sharper than an average human?
  5. R u pale like a piece of white paper they gave you in school?
  6. jwoholvishiothw3fhnwo(srry ran outta ideas for this question.=()
  7. can u sleep easily and quickly?
  8. r ur eyes a weird color?
  9. sometime r u overcome by a thirst driven haze?
  10. r u incredibly fast and graceful also quiet?

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