there r many crazy people, but there r few people who r right in the middle, a little crazy, but not too crazy. crazy is yelling and saying elephants too much.

Are YOU crazy? do u hav the brainpower to be just crazy enough for people to like u?Until now u can only wonder.Thanks to this awesomely amazing quiz, in just a few minutes u will find out if u r crazy or not!

Created by: Sydney
  1. What is your fav animal?
  2. If u r at a restaurant and they give you the wrong drink, what do u do?
  3. if u got exactly wht u wanted for a special occassion, wht do u do?
  4. wht do u do if a teacher gives u ur test back and it says f because she graded it wrong?
  5. do u sleep naked?
  6. wht is ur fav show?
  7. how many friends do u hav?
  8. wht kinds of stuff do u and ur friends talk about
  9. wht do u like to wear?
  10. whts ur fav color?

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