Quotev & GTQ members

Hey guys! Pls take this quiz if you are or are familiar with Quotev users. (I am ArcticWolf in Quotev) This is of mild importance, and 45% treated a quiz in total. If you are confused and have no idea what "Quotev" is, let me explain.

Quotev is a sight to make quizzes and write stories. If you know/are a member of Quotev, please let me know in the comments, and make sure to rate this quiz. To put this in short, I want to know GTQ users who are also in Quotev. In your results if you don't have Quotev, you will see if you should go there.

Created by: Cathy
  1. Do you know anyone in Quotev or are you that anyone?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What is your age?
  4. Are you a teen?
  5. Do you like writing stories?
  6. Do you like Quotev or think you'll like Quotev?
  7. Do you like quizzes?
  8. Do you like meeting new people?
  9. Do you like poetry?
  10. We are done for now! Ready to see your results?

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