Hindu Mythology Quiz

This quiz is exclusively for questions on Hindu mythology - which is a great source of knowledge - which is presented in a engrossing story format - hope you find it interesting.

Are you interested Hindu mythology? Do you get fascinated by the various stories and episodes - this quiz is for you to test the knowledge and sour your curiosity.

Created by: sai
  1. who is the son of Indra among the five pandavas?
  2. what is Another name of Goddess Sita among the five options given below
  3. whats the name of Krishna's closest friend
  4. Who killed Meganath(Indrajit) in Ramayana?
  5. who is the mother of Bhishma?
  6. who was not one of the wives of king Dasaratha ?
  7. pick the odd man out of the following
  8. whos the father of Karna
  9. king Dasaratha belonged to which dynasty?
  10. with whom did Duryodhan fight one on one in the kurukshetra war?

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