
This is an impossible quiz, you die, but how? what will you do during the apocolypse?

You cant win a zombie apocolypse, everybody dies sometime. But how will you die? This quiz puts you through the choises that are hardest to make, how many will you sacrifice for your self?

Created by: steven
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When the news of the infection reaches you, what do you do?
  2. If you come across a group of 4 people what do you do?
  3. If roles were assigned into your group, what would you want to get?
  4. You come across another group, made up entirly of hotties (Of your preffered sex) What do you do?
  5. You decide to go with the hotties and soon become surrounded with zombies
  6. You come to the conclusion that you have about 15 minutes left in life What do you do?
  7. your old friends that you left come back to save you and the hotties How do you repay them?
  8. The two groups have formed into one and you are running dangerously low on supplies, what do you do?
  9. As you are looting the shopping center the group gets split up
  10. You find your man lying on the ground half behind a car
  11. Its a zombie ambush "Gentlemen, Ladies, this is where we make our final stand"
  12. You get away just you and a hottie. You get cornered without any weapons. zombies are closing in on all sides
  13. The zombies go for the dead hottie, you take the opportunity to slip away while they feast. you get to a rooftop and stand on the edge, zombies are right behind you again

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