Quiz on the Cold War

This is quite a short quiz on the Cold War, which lasted from 19__ to 19__. It’s not like usual quizzes, having one right answer, unlike gaining a different amount of percentages depending on your answer.

It’s recommended that you select them all, but if you’re stumped on one, feel free to skip it! If the game lets you skip it, that is. Have fun and good luck!

Created by: Elias
  1. After WWII, Germany was divided into two sections, one controlled by Communists and one Controlled by Capitalists. How was it divided?
  2. After the Japanese invasion, where did the Chinese Communists base themselves?
  3. What was the cause of Joseph Stalin’s death in 1953?
  4. When did the Vietnam War begin?
  5. When was the first person sent into space?
  6. What is the most debated question of the shooting of J.F.K.?
  7. What was the name of the scandal that ended Nixon’s presidency?
  8. When did North Vietnam successfully conquer the South?
  9. When did Mikhaïl Gorbatchev become General Secretary of the USSR?
  10. When did the first nation secede from the Soviet Union?
  11. When did the last nation secede from the Soviet Union?
  12. When did the United States of America and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics declare the end of the Cold War?
  13. When did President Truman declare a Cold War with the Russians?

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