Quiz about me and other stuff I guess

Are you here because you just love me SO SO much and want to learn more about me? Well if so *obviously fake giggle*, you came to the right place! Ha..... Alright ya'll What else am I supposed to put here.. Okay so anyways the information and what this quiz shall be about shall be in the following paragraph.

There will be some random questions, some of those might be "what is my favorite weather", or perhaps "what pink is my favorite type", this quiz is pretty self explanatory soyeahletsgetstartedguysandpalsandgals!

Created by: 13
  1. How was my day?
  2. What is my favorite number?
  3. What weather do I prefer?
  4. What pink is my favorite?
  5. What is my favorite school subject?
  6. What is my favorite game?
  7. What is something that I dislike in math?
  8. What is?????
  9. The answer?
  10. Question?
  11. When I grow up I want to

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