Quiz about Chris!

This quiz will determine if you know Chris well or not. These questions are out of the book good, so you better have studied up! Ok, please start playing now, there is no point of reading on because everything on from here is a fill in. Dont even bother reading the next paragraph its the same thing.

See? read on as you can see its the same thing. I am writing these two extra sentences to fool the computer into letting me do this. This quiz will determine if you know Chris well or not. These questions are out of the book good, so you better have studied up! Ok, please start playing now, there is no point of reading on because everything on from here is a fill in. Dont even bother reading the next paragraph its the same thing.

Created by: Chris

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Chris's last name?
  2. What game does chris like to play on xbox the most?
  3. Is Chima Black?
  4. What kind of Phone does Chris have?
  5. What is the name of the school Chris is currently attending?
  6. What is Chris's favorite movie?
  7. What does Chris do most on the computer?
  8. Who is Chris's best friend?
  9. Finish the sentence: i love to pop_____
  10. What is Chris's gamertag on xbox live?

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