Quick quiz for cat lovers

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this quiz is for anyone willing to try out random and quick questions, all about cats! well... mostly all about cats... 2 questions of this fun quiz will test your memory.

make sure you are ready for tough questions! well... unless u use google... hop you enjoy! just try your best, you will find, that for some you can select idk. Enjoy!

Created by: Carina
  1. What is the breed of cat with short fur and hair?
  2. which cat is the rarest in australia?
  3. approximately how long do kittens sleep for per day?
  4. what is a munchkin's average lifespan?
  5. what breed of cat is hairless?
  6. who from harry potter can transfigurate into a cat?
  7. what is argus filch's (from harry potter) cat calles
  8. what is poisonous to cats?
  9. are u ready for your result?
  10. u sure?

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