Queen Music Quiz

"Queen" is a world renowned band who is famous for their many different styles of songs. Some of their famous songs are "We Will Rock You," "We Are The Champions" and "Bohemian Rhapsody." In total, "Queen" produced 15 studio albums and 5 live albums.

How much "Queen" do you know. Take this "Queen" Quiz to find out. Listen to the music and select the appropriate song. The songs get harder as the quiz rolls on. Good luck, you might need it!

Created by: Nick Cook

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What song is this "Queen" clip from?
  2. What song is this "Queen" clip from?
  3. What song is this "Queen" clip from?
  4. What song is this "Queen" clip from?
  5. What song is this "Queen" clip from?
  6. What song is this "Queen" clip from?
  7. What song is this "Queen" clip from?
  8. What song is this "Queen" clip from?
  9. What song is this "Queen" clip from?
  10. What song is this "Queen" clip from?

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