
Quadrilaterals are special polygons that have only four sides and are always convex, which means that the sides don't cave in. Every single quadrilateral has specific properties that makes them special.

Okay. So this quiz here will determine what kind of quadrilateral you are! Doesn't that sound exciting???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Created by: Lori Ann Gibson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay. Do you, my friend, have any parallel sides?
  2. Next question! Do you have any angles that are congruent?
  3. Are your opposite sides congruent?
  4. Do you like your parents? If so, please tell us!
  5. I want to know more about you! (Sadly.) How many kids do you have?
  6. What does your name start with?
  7. How do you feel about your consecutive interior angles?
  8. If you could describe area in just letters, symbols, and numbers, what would you say?
  9. Complete the following: My diagonals are...
  10. Are your angles right or wrong?
  11. Is your name here? asfklajslSQUAREkajsd;lfkjalsfjkajsdflkasdfKITEaskflaksdfk
  12. Is your body type the shape of a box?
  13. Did you happen to have an affair with your sibling?
  14. Let's get serious. Do you have at least one pair of opposite sides that is parallel and congruent?
  15. Does your waist happen to be the average of your bases?
  16. Do you have legs?
  17. What does your parent's name begin with?
  18. Finally. It's the last question. How are you special?

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