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Many people think they are crazy. Only some (like me) are. Many people think they're random. They don't know the meaning of the word random. I do. What? jhygtrfbh hyingt5 grfhjhf bgkjhfd mom hht htv hjfcjnd y g jnfecb, nhfvg jyfrdhrvjtb hrcg

You will only know once you try. So try, remember purple, just purple. Thats all just purple. It is the only thing that matters, besides me that is! PURPLE!!! ghrdnig gjvevcsb i hbrj dad jbfhhgdf

Created by: Bob Couts
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hi.
  2. Why are you here.
  3. Bananas are purple.
  4. Your driving down the street and a man shoots a dog. You?
  5. I see you!
  6. Turn around.
  8. I eat pizza. (And bananas are purple)
  9. BSA!
  10. This is my...
  11. How are you?

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