Punk or Metalhead?

PUNK and METALHEAD! Two very different stereotypes. In the late 70's these 2 groups of people would occasionally get into huge fights at concerts and pubs and stuff like that.

Which one are you? A punk or a metalhead? Take this quiz (please) and then you'll see which one you are. What do you have to lose? so....um.......yeah!

Created by: MiSs_CrImInAL
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. Favourite band?
  3. 2nd Favourite genre?
  4. What is your hobby?
  5. What's the TRUE meaning of punk?
  6. Had the hit "Run to the hills?"
  7. Which of these bands is NOT does not play heavy metal?
  8. What do you prefer?
  9. Is it true you were knocked out at the concert last night?
  10. Why would people complain about the noise from your house?
  11. Good quiz?

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