Punishment giver for bad girls

Have you been a bad girl lately? Do you need to be punished so that you’ll learn a lesson? Well if you have you’ve come to the right place so get answering these questions!

If you’re taking this quiz because you’ve been very naughty or just for fun you’ll get a result all the same. I hope if you have been bad that you will learn your lesson and not have to come back!

Created by: Unknown
  1. Are you sorry for what you did?
  2. Have you done this before?
  3. How old are you?
  4. What did you do?
  5. Ask your punisher how they want you to be punished.
  6. Will you do this again?
  7. Ask your punisher how bad what you did was.
  8. Which punishment would your punisher want you to have the most?
  9. Which punishment would you prefer the least?
  10. Do you think you deserve to be punished?

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