Punished on the spot !

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Hi there ! So you acted bad, and now you're getting punished ? Well, yes, it’s the logical continuation. So now assume your errors and answer honestly to these questions.

Little precision, a spanking is given on the bottom of course but also on the thighs. It's necessary because this way, when you sit down, you'll remember to behave and to be a good boy/good girl.

Created by: Dannee
  1. How old are you ?
  2. Where are you ?
  3. What have you done ?
  4. Who will punish you ?
  5. Have you ever done this ?
  6. If you said yes to the last question, were you punished for it ?
  7. If yes were you punished on the spot ?
  8. What was your punishment ?
  9. Are you sorry ?
  10. How will you act during your punishment ?
  11. Are you punished often ?
  12. Will you rate this quiz ?
  13. Will you comment this quiz ?

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