Prophet Muhammed

This quiz is for Muslims mainly. It is about the Prophet Muhammed Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. Rules is no cheating. Instructions is read the question

and select your chosen answer. There will be other quizzes about other prophets. There will be a quiz called prophet Muhammed 2 so check that out after this one.

Created by: Thanim Ahmed
  1. Who was the last Prophet of Allah?
  2. When was he born?
  3. Where was he born?
  4. Which religieos book was he revealed?
  5. Who was his mother and how old was Muhammed when she died?
  6. Who was his father and how old was Muhammed when he died?
  7. When Muhammed's mother died, whom did Muhammed go to?
  8. When Abdul Muttalib died, who did Muhammed go to?
  9. At what age did Muhammed become a Prophet of Allah?
  10. How old was Prophet Muhammed when he died?

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