Projected Folklores Horror Movie Quiz #2

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A Short horror movie quiz we have created to test your knowledge of various horror movies from the 60s 70s 80s 90s and now. Test yourself to see where you measure up

Are you a true horror movie fan? Will you know the answers? Will you learn something new? Take our short horror quiz to find out your knowledge of horror movies

Created by: Projected Folklores
  1. What movie is playing on Nancy's TV when she falls asleep in A Nightmare on Elm Street? (1984)
  2. What is the outpost # in John Carpenter's The Thing (1982)? United States National Science Institute Station #__
  3. Who is the first person to be killed on screen in Night of the Living Dead? (1968)
  4. Which title was NEVER intended to be used as a title for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre? (1974)
  5. What book is the zombie "Bub" given in Day of the Dead? (1985)
  6. What is the name of the costume in the movie Scream? (1996)
  7. In Frankenstein (1931) What is Dr. Frankenstein's first name?
  8. Starbeast was the working title of what movie?
  9. Which of these movies was originally planned as a Tales from the Crypt feature?
  10. Which George A Romero movie featured the horror punk band The Misfits?

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