XSonicX's Profile

Joined on Apr 12, 2013
Status Level: Advanced
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XSonicX's Quizzes
- Quiz On Factoring Polynomials[published: Apr 18, 2013]
Yay for factoring polynomials! :D So, you think you have what it takes to get all ten right? Well,……
- Which color are you?[published: Apr 13, 2013, 5 comments]
Um... What can I say? The title pretty much explains it all! Do you want to know which color you are? Take……
XSonicX's Recent Posts
XSonicX's Recent Quiz Comments
"I'm only 30% lucky. D:"
1 -
Wow that is totally accurate! XD"1 -
"For me, it was a tie between two colors, so I'm........ black and blue. ._."