Welsh_Cat's Profile

Joined on Nov 1, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Welsh_Cat's Quizzes
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Welsh_Cat's Recent Posts
"Bye, I hope to see you later :)"
"Nothing much either lol."
"Ok, what's up?"
"No thanks xD"
"\(o3o\) tHIS (/o3o)/ jUST \(o3o\) gOT (/o3o)/ rEAL \(o3o\) oNCE (/o3o)/ mORE"
"omf that's so sweet, both of you use the same face .3."
"\(o3o\) tHIS (/o3o)/ jUST \(o3o\) gOT (/o3o)/ rEAL"
"Joshe Jeshe"
"Josh x Jesse= Joshe"
"bye gtg"
"Joshomere Jadomere Shadosh"
"Rydw I wedi diflasu"
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