Weaux's Profile

Joined on Oct 8, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
Weaux's Quizzes
- What is your vocal range?[published: Dec 30, 2013, 43 comments]
Everyone has their own unique voice. You might have a very rare voice type! Are you a soprano,……
- Red Hands ...(part 6)[published: Oct 19, 2013, 5 comments]
THIS CHAPTER IS MUY DRAMATICO. It reminds me a little of a cheezy soap opera, but whatever. I did what I……
- Red Hands ...(part 5)[published: Aug 12, 2013, 3 comments]
It's been so long since I made part 4, so long infact I'm not even sure if my old fans remember about this……
- Shouts to my friends![published: May 08, 2013, 7 comments]
This is my shout out quiz! I know I forgot people, I know I did. But ofcourse if I'm forgetting, I'm……
- A cure for temporary boredom.[published: Apr 11, 2013, 3 comments]
In this quiz you have to try and get the hidden result bye choosing the right possible answers. It……
- Red Hands ...(part 4)[published: Apr 04, 2013]
Hello! Apparently people (xxblutixx) acctually reads these paragraphs, so I'm trying to think of something……
- Red Hands ...(part 3)[published: Mar 16, 2013, 1 comment]
- Red Hands part 2 is out![published: Feb 22, 2013, 1 comment]
I made part 2 of my new quiz series Red Hands, but it did not show up in the newest quiz list! Can you……
- Red Hands...(part 2)[published: Feb 21, 2013, 7 comments]
So here's the second part you all asked for! It has some interesting parts in it, and I'm curious about……
- Remember when I asked if I should make a story quiz?[published: Feb 17, 2013, 9 comments]
Remember when I asked if I should start making my verry own quiz series?……
- What spice are you?[published: Feb 15, 2013, 1 comment]
Hello! After posting the first part of my newly conceived quiz series and finding out nobody bothered taking……
- Red Hands...(part 1)[published: Feb 05, 2013, 11 comments]
So I promised in a previous quiz of mine that i would start making a story quiz void of magic and romance,……
- Should I make a story quiz?[published: Jan 07, 2013, 7 comments]
As you know, the description of a quiz is done after all of the questions and stuff are put into it.……
- Shout out: Trolling Bankson![published: Jan 04, 2013, 2 comments]
Hello welcome to my second quiz special thanks to Trolling Bankson i hope he or she finds this quiz……
- Can you touch a chicken?[published: Nov 09, 2012, 2 comments]
Okay, so in this quiz i will use my charming whit via the questions in this quiz to determine weather……
Weaux's Recent Posts
"I have no idea what I'll do. :/"
"No. It wasn't sarcasm. I'm touched that some weirdo online I don't even know cares so much about my well being. :'c"
"It's nice that you care so much."
"But I'm old Geek. My adult life is starting, I don't want it to, but It's happening. I'll be working, doing stuff, things like that..."
"I've been sitting here wondering if I should just leave this place and not come back, but I KNOW I should. You guys helped me through a lot ..."
"good night"
"immabadpiggy I have no I dea why he chose that but what'ev. I hope I don't die cause I told you. ono"
"BEFORE I TELL YOU! Do you think he might use the same one for other accounts?"
"You're a homewrecker :P. I can tell you geeks old pass."
"Geek gave me his pass AND I know his name suck it slut. Bl"
"Particularly today? Oh, I always have a gun or two lying around somewhere under my pillow."
Weaux's Recent Quiz Comments
"I'm a good stalker. :)"
1 -
"Lawl. How did you get tenor? :P"
1 -
"It's Alto or Contralto I'm not sure If they're the same thing, or if the contralto is even lower, so I just put both since I'm not sure…"
1 -
"Half of those posts where directed to me, so I think I deserve some credit.
(or as Jill would say:)
"No pattern...
I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or not. :/"1 -
"I'm a melon. :l"
1 -
"40? ._.
"I CHOSE CAT!!!!!"
2 -
"Yay! :D"
1 -
"Bronwen from my series Red Hands is totally capable of murder... But we won't know for sure till you finish the quiz. ;P"