ultravilot's Profile

Joined on Jan 22, 2015
Status Level: Novice
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10-Year Club
ultravilot's Quizzes
- guess who I am[published: Jan 23, 2015]
Nitrous oxide, hippopotamus , dancer, pizza, weed eater, brown, candy, seventy four, nine hundred and thirty……
ultravilot's Recent Posts
"Yeah but if you had any intelligence all all you would see that he has already given himself away like four times already."
"Well unlike you I try to find the best in people but you have really gone to far."
"No, that is coldest being a b"
"Simple, go walk off a cliff and when you find the picture you want shoot yourself."
"I meant to spell it that way."
"Haha, ironic thing is that you are the coldest sun."
"People get on people so hard when the misspelled a word and do the say anything when people starth tkinge lkel dis. I mean"
"OK then?"
"Late post."
"Are you asking me?"
"Because I was to."
"For all the people who said that milk makes them sick, that is most likely because you are lactose and tolerate ."
"Me to."
"Laughs* no, clean air."
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