the_nerdist's Profile

Joined on May 30, 2013
Status Level: Advanced
the_nerdist's Quizzes
- How well do you know Asking Alexandria?[published: Jan 04, 2015, 2 comments]
Asking Alexandria is an English band. I don't like the newer stuff that they make, It……
- A little bit about me.[published: Jan 04, 2015, 4 comments]
This is a quiz about me. If you ever wanted to learn more about me, then this is a quiz for you. This is……
- Let's write a song![published: Jun 09, 2014, 2 comments]
I thought of this for some random reason,mainly to level up this account see ya folks later,hope you enjoyed……
the_nerdist's Recent Posts
"I have your old account"
"Got it"
"No what is it?"
"Should I email it to you?"
"You might as well have it I suppose"
"Did you decide about this yet?"
"xD So, shall I keep it then?"
"Yeah, Sphinx got it but I managed to rescue it from him."
"He reverted back to his old ways and posted the password."
"Probably not :p I've been meaning to ask for a while, do you want this account back ?"
"Good, ok "
the_nerdist's Recent Quiz Comments
1 -
"You're an idiot.
Emo is a label, and people who use it on themselves are pathetic morons looking for attention."
1 -
"About the part were you said you self harm...
Don't do it, I do it as well and nothing good comes out of it, When I did, I hurt my…"
1 -
"I actually only like 2 songs by them XD"
1 -
"How can you actually help
Nobody notices me even after I start showing my scars in public
But no one still seems to not…"
1 -
"I havent watched it in 5 years"
1 -
"wow... i havent been here in so long i forgot what was in this quiz."
1 -
"good... ruri was in it"
1 -
2 -
"Great quiz "