the_angelic_noir's Profile

Joined on Feb 18, 2016
Status Level: Novice
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9-Year Club
the_angelic_noir's Quizzes
- Are You a Texan?[published: Feb 21, 2016]
There are many people who just say, "I'm a Texan!" without fully acknowledging the words that come out of their……
the_angelic_noir's Recent Posts
"hey im back happy summer!"
"u shuld be there when d trump comes 2 ur schoo. a contry w/o borders is not a contry."
"@ IHLAOY so freepin true man"
"america is dying already. theres no point in even hoping for salvation at this period in time."
"We should totes go Putin , ppl."
"Ted Cruz 4 Prez. ! sorry i had a change of heart. , ppl."
"Vladimir 4 US Prez in 2016!"
"yeah.. we can all relate to that somehow."
"Wow! How does your ear feel?"
"sorry my mom said i need to get off of GTQ. see you tomorrow!"
"AFK. brb in about 10 mins"
"me bedroom smells like the spawn of Satans armpits and a dogs fart."
"whats the dirtiest thing?"
"did you get married to your stereo yet?"
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