Talker's Profile

Joined on Sep 3, 2020
Status Level: Novice
Talker's Quizzes
- Random Questions :)[published: Sep 03, 2020, 2 comments]
I made this quiz because I felt like I NEED TO MAKE IT!!!In this quiz I included random questions that came……
Talker's Recent Posts
"[no urls]"
"I asked Mr. Google and he said The Best Food Ever Is : Tacos, Mexico. Poutine, Canada. Chicken rice, Singapore. Som"
"I hate those people who think they’re better it’s just so annoying! Its makes me feel like: Woah woah woah stop right there, Who do you thin"
"1. Lara Fabian 2.Alessia Cara"
"no favorite singers"
"The Flash"
"“Take a step back and look for another perspective.” -Lost in space-"
"quizmaster12345 you should watch it!"
"YAYAYAY one more person who watched it!!!"
"I checked out your quizzes! I wrote comments on every single one that i tried as a proof!"
"OK, OK The moment of truth: My favorite character is..."
"Hmm... Judy is strong, brave, smart , Will is unique and the main character , The Robot is simply the best UGHH IDK WT SHOULD I DO!!!!!!!"
"Well, idk about my favorite character"
Talker's Recent Quiz Comments
"I've got 50% each! Yay!"
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"@Sauron lol theres no other score that you can get!"
In response to Sauron:
"Um I got 0%. Dont know what that means...."
1 -
"I checked out your quizzes! Here's my proof!"
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"I checked out your quizzes! Here's my proof!"
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"I checked your quizzes out! Here's my proof!"
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"I checked your quizzes out! Here's my proof!"
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"I checked your quizes out! Here's my proof!"
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"I N T E R E S T I N G!"
2 -
1.How many Barrys were there when Nora Allen was killed?
They were two : the young Barry and the Flash…"
1 -
"Best Sorting Hat quiz I ever played!!! I got the right results!
Good Job!"
2 replies3