Stickguy55's Profile

Joined on Dec 7, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
Stickguy55's Quizzes
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Stickguy55's Recent Posts
"Wtf- Why did you have to spam my thread like this-"
"Also my pronouns are they/them just so u know"
"Im busy now Maybe later..?"
"Today is independent work day At my school"
"Pretending their grade was higher just to upset me"
"They don't know what it feels like to be me"
"Mebbe lel"
"Do not share contact information such as your e-mail address"
"I think i know what that is"
"Lets just pretend that never heppened"
"I'm too popular around here lol"
"No i mean i'll never make another different account again"
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