Steampunk Neko's Profile

Steampunk Neko
Joined on Mar 10, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Steampunk Neko's Quizzes
- How well do you know BVB?[published: Mar 12, 2015, 3 comments]
What is Black Veil Brides? You probably already know the answer, but I will tell you anyway. They are……
- Are you fit to be a neko?[published: Mar 11, 2015, 9 comments]
Nekos are amazing creatures, If you don't know what they are, let's just say they are part human, part……
Steampunk Neko's Recent Posts
"yea, I will do that I guess."
"Red, my email is beyourinnercannibal You said it doesn't exist? There is no space between cannibal and the @ symbol."
"I am an adversary"
"who said that?"
"Our insanity is the same."
"we're talking about hair? I am planning on getting a Mohawk, and yes, you don't know me. Have a nice day :)"
"today is a boring day, wyd?"
"I need someone to talk to. I hope you are patient to someone who is insane."
"I am going to eat more souls then, buh bye"
"well then."
"I wish I could help you."
"Just pretend my GTQ name is: Crona. OK? No more steampunk neko!"
"I don't know you that well, are you a friend of Soul's?"
Steampunk Neko's Recent Quiz Comments
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"I have a boy mind! Yea!"
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"yes! I love them and I am in their army, which ones did you get wrong anyways?"
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"everyone calls me pretty, but only girls do so I don't believe anyone right now."
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"I'm glad SOMEONE understands me. . ."
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"I wanna ask the same question, lets hope not tho, I hate anti-gay people"
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"ah, I wanted a scythe :(. . . BUT GUNS ARE COOL TOO!"
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"wow, I guess I am a little like you idk. To be honest, I am pretty layed back and emo, so If you dont like emos, you are out of luck on the…"
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"How did I get 98%? I am a big Minecraft fan!"
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"northern, wow that is surprising, I am from the south!"