SirRosario's Profile


Joined on Mar 5, 2014
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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SirRosario's Quizzes

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SirRosario's Recent Posts

  • Hehe~
    "Ryder: ..True. ... Taylor: Yeah, but.. ... Rosario: Oh.. *still confused* "
  • R u jokin me
    "You are a very rude being."
  • "Kyle: Demitri, you are not a knight of my court, and therefor you have no reason to know. And, Rosario. Do what I said. Rosa"
  • "Kyle: I said it was to be done, and therefor it will be done. But I don't see why she should be- Kyle: Rosar"
  • I lost track..
    "Kyle: At which number, Rosario? ...One hundred and seventeen, my lord. *sighs* *and shakes head, dra"
  • "Griffin: Oh, alright. *nods*"
  • "Ohhhhh, okay. owo So, how your dear friend~? :3"
  • "Harriett: *sniffling* More pillows.. These suck. And, something to eat. Uncle Travins wont let me have anything good."
  • I can't..
    "Actually.. I could take you to his apartment. You could stay with him until you have the kid. I'm sure he'd allow it. *picks"
  • Abel. Let. Go.
    "Angel: He'll fall... *rolls eyes, hand to head* *staring up at Abel, who's hanging by one arm off a cliff, above the"
  • They're in the forest.
    "(I broke down and full out sobbed when you said you weren't going to be here for another week. And. .//. I'm not cute but wahtevre) "
  • No.
    "*there* *carefully* I.. I broke Iann's nose, and I just got a death threat from Lady Elacie. What do I dooo? "
  • "Sir Rosario, knight of Areation. *small frown* I assume both of you and the queen will need a medic?"
  • No.
    "Avalon: ...I still don't want to."
  • "Um, no, you can write amazing stuff when you want to. And what does losing one contest prove?"

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