Silent_Night's Profile

Joined on Jul 23, 2014
Status Level: Junior
Silent_Night's Quizzes
- Do you know me? (2015 Addition)[published: May 02, 2015, 3 comments]
So, alot of you have talked to me and most have even taken my other "Do you know me?" quizzes.……
- Do i hate you or like you as a friend?[published: Aug 24, 2014, 13 comments]
Do you think i like you or hate you? Well, find out and take this quiz. No hard feelings,……
- I bet i can guess your Gender[published: Aug 23, 2014, 12 comments]
Hey, its me Silent_Night; Also known as S.N. Today i have decided to show off my psychic powers,……
- Do you know me?[published: Aug 20, 2014, 3 comments]
Hey everyone! So a bunch of you have talked to me, so i decided to make a quiz and see if you all KNOW me. If……
- Would i date you? (Upgrade)[published: Aug 17, 2014, 7 comments]
Hey, I'm Silent_Night. Many of you know me as SN; I know i have created a "Would i Date you?" Quiz……
- What color are you?[published: Aug 14, 2014, 9 comments]
Have you ever wondered what color you are? I have too... And Color does not only go by your mood, it also……
- Would i date you?[published: Aug 10, 2014, 7 comments]
Okay, so many of you know me as Silent_Night. I have talked to many of you, but not all. This is a quiz to see……
- The Thing (This is a creepy story i made up.)[published: Jul 27, 2014, 3 comments]
This quiz is about randomness. Also, i have a creepy story i created called "The……
Silent_Night's Recent Posts
"Listen. I judge people on their personality NOT THEIR LOOKS. You my friend have an amazing personality and to me, thats all that matters. No..."
"No, you are NOT UGLY. :l Your very good looking. :)"
"Correction, he got 78%. Its not bad. :o At least he knows a good amount about me. :D"
"Hehe. :D Yeah, Josh got like 70%-75%. In time he'll know me well, though.:)"
"O.O 100%?! Wow... you really do know me.... how though? I mean.... wow... you really DO pay attention to me! ^.^*Hugs*"
"Hi Kelly."
"Who's Ann? You saying Anna not Ann? If your saying Anna then " What?" if Ann then, "Sowy for coming in uninvited.""
"Sorry, i got a tad bit bored so i created my own quiz."
"*Facepalms* I leave two superhero fans together to create a roleplay and the theme is Avengers. :o Okay.. well... i do not know much about t..."
"I'm here. You dudes still on? O.o"
"Tonight is quiz night! *Dances around and runs off to take more quizzes*"
"Thank you Rhi! ^.^ Okay Olive. :D"
"*Hugs Min* Welp, i won't be able to talk much. Tonight is quiz night for me. Oh, and i'm taking your quizzes first, Min. :D"
"It'll help you and i level up. :D"
"Hehe, I luv you too. *Kisses you, then slowly falls alseep on you*"
Silent_Night's Recent Quiz Comments
1 -
"30%... I KNEW YOU A YEAR AGO. 0-0"
1 -
1 -
"Black Widow."
1 -
1 -
"84% Batman"
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1 -
"91% ;)"
1 -
"I'm still on! Your were the first best friend i ever had on GTQ. When i was down, you helped cheer me up and your fantastic at role play.…"
1 -
"40%... 0.0"