Shingo__Yamamoto's Profile

Joined on May 29, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Shingo__Yamamoto's Recent Posts
"bby i already told u ur art is fabulous"
"what dafuq are you kids doing u cAN'T KILL EACHOTHER YET-- u gotta wait for me ;;"
"Thanks for that. I bookmarked it so I could use it later."
"Not sure how long it takes. I've never contacted him before."
"Hey, mind asking him about Honeysenpai too? I'd really like that one back."
"I don't need to know about your a**. That's just utterly disgusting and won't benefit me in any way. just ew ;w;"
"No problem."
"Ask Dark or a moderator about that. Orrr just contact GTQ Guy."
"oh ew"
"I used to have glasses, but they were just for reading. I'm not able to read things extremely close (like in my face), words get blurry and ..."
"Riley soon walked out and slowly made his way down the stairs toward the Rookie. Damien went the opposite way and went through a huge white ..."
"I'm gonna go role-play with my friend now. Bye, I might talk to you later if I get the chance."
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