Shadow_heghog's Profile

Joined on Apr 15, 2016
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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Shadow_heghog's Quizzes

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Shadow_heghog's Recent Posts

  • who wants to date me
    "im not desprate shut up u guys r mean"
  • who wants to date me
    "im single im adorable im sweet im loyal i wont cheat on you im hot"
  • shadows thread
    ";-; why won't people talk to me maybe is house date someone else entirely"
  • I love Luv myself!
    "who should i date though jay is pretty but luv is beutiful but luv is sweet and jay is sexy"
  • Hello people.
  • "hi"
  • shadows thread
    "i cant decide this is bad"
  • shadows thread
    "who should I go out with i love them both"
  • I love Luv myself!
    "u guys r really mean;-; They won't see it as long as no one spreads it Shut up twilight ur mean thanks sky ur nice shut up Chaos Co"
  • I love Luv myself!
    "Im tired of keeping it a secret plz don't tell her or jay i love jay but I want to date love myself so don't tell either of them plz"

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