Sen51's Profile

Joined on Sep 28, 2021
Status Level: Novice
Sen51's Quizzes
- What Does Bill Cipher Think Of You Gravity Falls[published: Nov 07, 2021, 1 comment]
Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't made any quizzes in a while, but anyways, I……
- Which Element Are You?[published: Oct 22, 2021, 1 comment]
Hi everyone! Have you wondered which element YOU are? (Just so you know this isn't based on Astrology.)……
- Will FNAF And FNAGF Get Along?[published: Oct 14, 2021, 1 comment]
Hi everyone! I accidently put the quiz on THIS account instead of Sen_Si's, so yeah, but I hope……
- Which LoliRock Princess Are You?[published: Oct 09, 2021, 3 comments]
Hi everyone! Have you ever wondered which LoliRock princess YOU are? Well let's find out by……
- Which Emoji Are You?[published: Oct 08, 2021, 2 comments]
Hi everyone! Which emoji are you? Let's find out by playing this fun quiz! I hope you enjoy it, the results……
- Which My Little Pony Character Are You?[published: Sep 28, 2021, 5 comments]
Hi everyone! Me again! Back with another fun quiz! I'm not into mlp anymore much, but……
- Which color are you?[published: Sep 28, 2021, 7 comments]
Hi everyone! Back with another fun quiz! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did while making this……
Sen51's Recent Posts
"Never played it"
"Yes, all of them are :)"
"Yw :)"
"(By the way, watch one good show once, and depends on WHAT kind of pizza, is it a dessert pizza? If so, then chocolate syrup on pizza.)"
"Would you rather.. Lift something REALLY heavy once and have your muscles REALLY sore, or lift something light forever?"
"I don't know, is it fall? Because I'd feel sad for those leaves every second under that tree.. and as long as I don't get burned by the fire..."
"Ok, sorry to hear that GL1TCH3D SH4D0W, here's some help, go to The Game Theorist's Youtube channel and find a video on AMONG US, once you f..."
"Hi! Ik I already said this on your quiz but I will say i on here too. (Copied and pasted btw) WHOA!!! I just REALIZED! I joined GoToQuiz onl..."
"(Oops! Then you and him sampled some more music for a while.) You walked out of your office, shyly looking around, then you wondered w"
"I would rather be in a household of people yelling, and be locked in a dungeon for six months. Would you rather.. be a unicorn or a dr"
"I like to make digital art too!"
"Cool! Lol, nice to meet you too! :)"
Sen51's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got 75% of everything. :) But anyways, ty for putting your time and effort into this quiz for us. :)"
1 -
"Yeah! Cool!"
In response to SprinkledSpice:
"I got fox but I almost got cat! Fun quiz :D"
1 -
"Me too! And yes, great quiz! But anyways, ty for putting your time and effort into this quiz for us. :)"
In response to CryingClover:
"I got a cat, pretty accurate! Good quiz!"
1 -
"JEEZ... I didn't expect so many people to have gotten the result Koushi Sugawara... whoa.. I never watched this show.. but it was fun!…"
1 -
"I got that one too!!!"
In response to xann2022:
"Your Result: Koushi Sugawara 86%…"
1 -
"Nice! I got white. then pink.. then white again.. so yeah........................................."
In response to lucyblue:
"Your Result: You are green! 89%…"
1 -
"ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
In response to June_Roses:
"Your Result: June 88%
2 -
1 -
"WTH????!!!!!!!!! IN 3-1 MONTHS???? WHOA... I'm scared/not scared.... I'm speechless...................................................…"
In response to grimmchild:
"Really great quiz."
1 -
"I'm 11. :) Neat! You're almost my age! -Then I'll be 12.. but that's a different year! In the year 2022, but that's a different year,…"
In response to grimmchild:
"6-8. Nice try, but i am 10."