Seasons's Profile

Joined on Apr 2, 2013
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Seasons's Recent Posts
"Hug tackle"
"*Watches yous* o3o"
".3. *Slowly disappears to go read stories on Wattpad*"
"x3 Dogs are always warm."
"@Lone Talking on here, you?"
"Yay~! ^-^"
"@Lone I'm fine, thanks for asking ^3^"
"x3x Can I just call you Ma'am or does that make you feel old?"
":3 Just call meh Devin. And it's nice to meet you too."
"xD Wow, okay."
"o: Bro, don't get caught :P Well, I am no multi I just have a boyfriend who stalks and tells me about people."
"Good :P -3- No Ma'am I am not a multi. Asking people if they're multi's when you first meet them makes them not wanna talk to you."
"Have fun with that :P"
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