Scourgelover's Profile

Joined on Oct 3, 2014
Status Level: Novice
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Scourgelover's Quizzes
- Warrior cats fanfic[published: Oct 29, 2014]
So, this is about two kits named Featherkit and Swiftkit, and like many warrior cat fanfictions, they grow……
- I am winxlover![published: Oct 03, 2014]
I love Scourge. Who does not. Banana. Muffin. Grump. Grandpa. Fire. Stuff. Things. Feather. Stream. I love……
Scourgelover's Recent Posts
"I wasn't on for months, but maybe Marceline could join since she was first."
"I want to role-play, but all of the RPs are already took. I decided to make my own. The only thing is I have no plot XD So wh"
"My OC's are Feathersoul (silver tabby she-cat with ice-blue eyes), Shadownight (pure black she-cat with also ice blue eyes *smirks*) and man..."
"1. Never heard of you."
"Cream ish colored"
"Blood red"
"Fall in love Would you rather eat a cupcake that's been stepped on or thrown in the garbage can?"
"I don't think you can get a profile pic on a tablet. You have to go on a computer. I am on a tablet, and I got my profile pic on a computer...."
"why am i a person?"
"you cant really see it so im changing it"
"woo hoo"
"I promise, I didn't copy anyone :)"
Scourgelover's Recent Quiz Comments
"What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Literature Nerd 90%Does sitting by a nice cozy fire, with a cup of hot tea/chocolate,…"
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"YES! 67!"
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"So accurate...I'm not American, I'm Canadian. And the quiz said people might think I was Canadian."
1 -
" just too horrible to be explained in words."
1 -
"Waaaaaay too much."
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" 36%!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!"
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1 -
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"Good quiz"
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