SC countrygirl's Profile

SC countrygirl
Joined on Apr 18, 2016
Status Level: Novice
SC countrygirl's Quizzes
- which song lyric are you?[published: May 04, 2016, 1 comment]
i hope you like my quiz i like country music so all the lyrics are form some of my favorite lyrics……
- whos the song artist?[published: Apr 22, 2016, 6 comments]
take this quiz to find out how much you know about the most popular country songs on the radio i dont know……
- are u cool or not[published: Apr 19, 2016, 1 comment]
u have clicked on this quiz to see if you have as much swag and if you are as cool as you think you are NO……
- are you a true country girl or boy?[published: Apr 18, 2016, 2 comments]
most people try to be a true country boy are girl take the quiz to see if you are a true……
SC countrygirl's Recent Posts
"lmao same"
"i dont belive in it either"
"u got all the 13 year olds going around telling there bf or gf they love them and im 16 and never told a guy i loved him xD"
"howdy :D love dont exist its all in the head"
"love dont exist"
"hey panda"
"okie so anyone ik last year beofre i left??"
"whats up people"
"im bipolar"
"hows everyone doin"
SC countrygirl's Recent Quiz Comments
"i got 80% and ive never talked to u so i did pretty good"
1 -
"i got andrew and awesome quiz"
1 -
"yay only 70% xC"
1 -
"90% maybe"
1 -
"40% not bad considering ive never played it"
1 -
"mine was 7 xD"
1 -
"37% yay"
1 -
"i got 90%"
1 -
"i got 93 % and i live nowhere near la"
1 -
"i got 59%"