redruM's Profile

Joined on Aug 7, 2014
Status Level: Novice
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redruM's Quizzes
- Could you get away with murder?[published: Aug 07, 2014, 24 comments]
I know this is a really messed up idea for a quiz, but Im just bored and trying to make a……
redruM's Recent Posts
"@Avocado Can I make them into guacamole? @Lover I woooooont @SG That's what he deserves. @Rain "
"@Rain Make 'im hit the ceiling. @SG Everything I know is now a lie... @Lover 0.0"
"@SG Nah, he has nine lives. He'll be fine. @Lover Dont cryyyyyyyy!"
"(Anarky is attempting to take down Gotham's government and, naturally, Batman is after him. Anarky is prepared though. I wont reveal his pla..."
"Oh, not throwing him, Im gonna punt 'im. Or kick him."
"Favorite: Probably Hardcore or Post-Hardcore, both are branches of metal or screamo. (Hardcore tends to be all screaming and Post is a blend..."
"Ill try to aim for trashcan. Try."
"*Silently watching in the background*"
"@Funniebunnie XD You seem to be the only one."
"Tch... Thanks. -m-"
"In case anyone attempts to speak to me here, Im making a quiz. Brb"
"Oh, sweet Jesus. 0.0"
"@Lover I do? I dont recall. Sorry. I was just joking."
"@Dark Meh. Ive been better. Yourself? :1"
"@Lover No. Dont be that guy. Nobody likes that guy. XD"
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