qwertyadd's Profile

Joined on Jul 9, 2015
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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qwertyadd's Recent Posts
"(still meep)"
"No problem I'm good. How about you?"
"That's fine. I'll make the thread and post the plot. I'm guessing you'd like to do MxM?"
"aw yus Would you like to?"
"any takes? i do gay males and non gay or like I could think of the plots"
"They're daddy, so Lol"
"who wants to do a hit man soap? kind of like the one I'm doing with daddy(Ghetto) it's meep here, and I was just wondering"
"none of my friends were on today No soap for me. Although, I've really wanted to do one."
"well not really"
"Then let us chill ;))"
"I gtg"
qwertyadd's Recent Quiz Comments
"Ye I'm mention :') "