Phantomstar's Profile

Joined on Dec 21, 2021
Status Level: Novice
Phantomstar's Quizzes
- Do you know Beetletail's Fondness well? (prologue - ch 1)[published: Dec 31, 2021]
- Could we go on a date?[published: Dec 26, 2021, 7 comments]
Bro I don't know what to write. . . . . . .. hmmmmmmmmmm I should just copy and paste lyrics. ok. The……
- Which OC of mine are you? (Shadowclan edition!)[published: Dec 26, 2021, 1 comment]
NONE ! ! ! Of the art belongs to me in this quiz! ! I used Picrew to make my……
- Which Warrior Cat OC of mine are you?[published: Dec 21, 2021, 10 comments]
NONE ! ! ! Of the art belongs to me in this quiz! ! I used Picrew to make my characters! I……
Phantomstar's Recent Posts
"Dimstar and Crookedflower nodded and padded away. Before Crookedflower they were completely gone into the trees he turned away, “Well be the"
"Jupiter finished her squirrel and lay down next to her mate, she sniffed her and her and thought something wasn’t right. “Are you alright my"
""Alright. I'll save you some anyways." Jupiter kneaded her paws and lowered head to eat. Sure! I don't really know anything abo"
"Jupiter padded to the pile and dragged out a squirrel, "You want to share this?" She purred."
"Dimstar looked at the two cats again, "They won't be?" He smiled."
"IM SO SORRY GUYS-)) Dim star stirred and looked at Crookedflower “Fine, as long as PhantomClan isn’t there.” The deputy gagged."
"Sorry!!!)) Jupiter purred and helped her mate up"
"Jupiter licked Mercury's head. "You want to come to the fresh-kill pile with me? Y'know, since the kits are still asleep and all this is a ..."
"Jupiter fluttered open her tired eyes and stretched as Mercury laughed. She purred and got up. "'Morning my sweet!" She mewed, then kneaded ..."
"Jupiter rested her head on her mate's fur closed her eyes. "I love you. . ." She yawned and then fell asleep with her."
"Ty!)) Dimstar lay with Crookedflower in the sun. Crookedflower's fur bristled. "You smell that?" He hissed. Dimstar got up. "Disgustin"
"Hey everyone! I'm making an AMV for my precious Ghoststar! (Silverstar x Phantomstar) And I need some suggested songs! I'm also sketch"
"And he has a crooked tail- sorry, I keep forgetting to add things- but now I got it.))"
"Holewhisker! Next up! Gladepaw!"
"Oh ya, Crookedflower is like- REALLY fluffy, but his fluffiness is all spikey))"
Phantomstar's Recent Quiz Comments
"You are the joker. You always crack a smile out of everyone, even in the darkest times. Everyone needs someone like you in their life…"
In response to AudreyMidoriya21:
"The outsider 8%
resultYou are an…"
1 -
"That's so sweet! I wish I had a connection like that with my brother and sister :("
In response to sleepwalky talky:
"The quiz said that my happy place was the…"
1 -
"Your Result: In an old library 86%
resultYour happy place is in an old library. There are many old books for you to read,…"
1 -
"I usually do have highs and lows-
Your Result: Manic Depressive 93%You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you…"
1 -
"Your Result: 70% Male 77%
resultYou are in touch with your masculine side. You are not overly sensitive and not easily moved.…"
1 -
"Why did I get Murdoc- :,)"
1 reply1 -
"I really wanted WindClan but I guess SkyClan is fine :,)"
1 -
"Man, I feel you. You can talk to me anytime you want. I have bipolar depression and it's REALLY hard."
In response to Zimswife:
"Mostly true just not the happinesses part...I…"
1 -
"Your Result: Blue 93%
resultYou are introverted and tend to think a lot, about a lot of things. You think about things before…"
1 -
"disguise/time witch :,)"