One Step Away's Profile
One Step Away
Joined on Nov 29, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
One Step Away's Quizzes
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One Step Away's Recent Posts
"I was joking don't take it seriously!! Hi"
"okay then"
"Hey cutie XD"
"3 because it's pennywise. Pennywise is the name of the clown from it"
"Will you please take my quiz? I want to get novice."
"I might still 1 from you."
"Loloollooolooloololll Ikr"
"Ehh.. Same What's your name"
"Ha. No clue. I. so. wish."
One Step Away's Recent Quiz Comments
"i made a 70
good quiz!!! i am not a big fan of tmnt though."