OmeWolf's Profile

Joined on Apr 15, 2014
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
OmeWolf's Quizzes
- How well do you know me?[published: Apr 15, 2014, 1 comment]
How well do you know this smexy beast... Her username is "OmeWolf", but I used to be Omega_Wolf but I……
OmeWolf's Recent Posts
""Psh, okay." She said and kept on walking until they reached the sandy beach."
"Alex smiled at her. "Yes?" He asked, searching her face to try to see what she was thinking."
"But then It wouldn't make sense :P"
""What would you like to do now?" He asked, feeling slightly awkward. Again."
"((AWW YEAH!)) Sydney glanced at her. "What's wrong?" She asked as the people passed by."
"What should happen next :o"
"......Well okay.)) Alex let go and brushed her hair back with his hand. "So, will you stay?" He asked."
"ooh)) She followed and closed the door behind her. ((can they have a mer-cat? or a pet dolphin or something?)"
"I've heard of it)) Sydney did the same."
"Can someone get rid of Anime's post in me and Wolf's rp, called Romance Soap? Thanks. Don't stalk it, it's really cheesey."
"without spaces, of course. see I figured it out, I'm cool like dat Ome: lolnope "
"You do < s > text hereeee < s >"
OmeWolf's Recent Quiz Comments
"unpredictable..? "
1 -
"0% rural o-o"