NotAPipsqueak's Profile

Joined on Jan 11, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
NotAPipsqueak's Quizzes
- How well do you know me?[published: Jan 11, 2015]
no one reads this anyway. La. Laz. Travis Willingham= Roy Musty Colleen Clinkenbeard= Riza Hawkeye……
NotAPipsqueak's Recent Posts
"*grits teeth*"
"Dammit what do you want from me?!'"
"*rips wallet from your hands* *leaves a 100 cenz bill by your hands* -w-"
"Well I need to live too Dammit!"
"*looks at you* Hey! My wallet has all my money! Give it back! *grabs the pocket watch and chases after you*"
"*growls* Dammit! Just give it back! *jumping now*"
"*tiptoes* Ling! Come on!"
"LING, GIVE THAT BACK. *tries to grab it*"
"What if I moved it? *smirks*"
"*rolls eyes* Mhm, sure. It's fine anyway, it's just one."
"[*salutes* Ayeeeee Sir!] Then I can buy you one rice bowl."
"[Ik... I learned about the other Edo-Account to late...] Hell no Ling."
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