Never2Late's Profile

Joined on Apr 16, 2014
Status Level: Novice
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Never2Late's Quizzes
- Would I date you?[published: Apr 20, 2014, 33 comments]
So this quiz was made for boys but if you are a girl and take this then it's fine I forgive you. So yeah.……
- Randomeeee quiz[published: Apr 19, 2014]
Okay if you score higher than 50% your awesomely amazing! If you don't, I still love you for trying!! I hoe……
- How Pinkie Pie are you?[published: Apr 19, 2014, 1 comment]
I love Pinkie Pie! And I wanna see if you are anything like her. Pinkie Pie was born on a rock farm.……
Never2Late's Recent Posts
"Awww, hope you feel better!"
"I'm in Corvallis"
"The rain annoys the s--- out of me."
"But I live in Oregon known the states is known for all the rain"
"Oh sucky! I hate when the power goes out"
"Aww[no urls]'ve been depressed these passed few days"
"I don't really know if he is though. Everybody always said he liked me so I was really confident but just to get rejected"
"What do you mean not worth it?"
"So I've had a crush on this for a really long time and when I asked him out he said no Any advice?"
"Nothin. You?"
"Oh yum!"
"Lol that's nice that you are all doing well!"
Never2Late's Recent Quiz Comments
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"Yay I'm normal!"
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"Holy s---. This is starting to get really good! "
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"I want to adopt"
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"Which of my friends are you?
Your Result: Katelyn 77%You are an out going, funny girl you are also a great singer and actor…"
1 -
"Yay dolphin!:)"
1 -
"Yay I'm an angel!"
1 -
1 -
"Emo ;p"
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"Lol 46% really fun quiz!"