neonrainz's Profile

Joined on Dec 18, 2014
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
neonrainz's Quizzes
- do you know me?[published: Feb 25, 2015, 1 comment]
well your gonna take the test.....good luck...and my the force be with you O-o lol but for real good……
- raina in shadow land #3[published: Dec 19, 2014]
whoooooo!!! the 3 one is out if you havent read the first one go back and plz do that it will……
neonrainz's Recent Posts
"wont be on for while got caught"
"i look up at you..*i am hungry * i say sighing and moves closer to you..."
"(why must you try to be suposidly sexy af...? and kk fine..) name:raina glen age:16 height:5'5 hair:golden honey"
"you hear a slight hum and the area around the suit crumbles...*if you wernt such a stuck up prick then maby we wouldent mind...* freddy grow..."
"harm me?* freddy snorts...*im tired of your suposide over rule of us onestly * he says and walks up to golden freddy standing over him sligh..."
"crosses arms...*why should i? you should have bin here the other day..i gess i could say i was inlightened...* freddy growls..and then stand..."
"deadspace is a save yourself,GTA is save points after steals or major things,uncharted is save points,and the last one is if ya die you star..."
"sht....ive never played them but dishonored lol i loves that game...sht i should have sayed assasins creed crap"
"cuz deadspace is a you gotta save yourself kinda game for the most part"
"like normal the last saveing point...wich derp will beable to randomly place at will"
"now in grand theft boss...but i have a feeling jokers a natural pimp /-\"
"how bout no...*freddy growls.."
"(wait is freddy afraid to or can he stand up against him?)"
"i have a feeling imma die in a few of thoughs games...can we make it were i respon but joker only does it once? i dont no how well you could..."
neonrainz's Recent Quiz Comments
"haha i dont no u but i got 73% lol so i gess im just a boss X//p"