Nash's Profile

Joined on Sep 14, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Nash's Recent Posts
"Been hunting these accounts down"
"BABI https://i."
"Trying to only use my advanced account to post images or links (I forgot how to spell link omy) So I can level up "
"Newbs: HEY CHAMMY! Me: "
"Paco Then: *came from the side of the road* Paco Now: *sitting on a thrown drinking warmed up milk in his golden gautlet*"
"Me in 2019: *cringe* Me in 2020: *still that cringe kid*"
"Sometimes I feel crazy, and detached from my own body. I’ll just get really impulsive or wild and I hate it"
"Me: *wearing a hoodie in Texas* Also me: It’s really hot Someone: then take your hoodie off Me: I CANT"
"Aw thx https://i.postim"
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